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Change your Lifestyle, Prevent Depression

Change your Lifestyle, Prevent Depression

Depression is one of the most popular topics about mental health. It is a mood disorder and is exemplified by intense feelings of emptiness, loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness.

Passionate Home Caregivers believes that treating depression should not only stop at the various medications the doctor prescribes. The treatment should be holistic. Here are some things you can change in order to keep depression at bay:

  • Consume healthy foods

    Healthy foods can help fuel your body and improve your overall mood. So cut junk foods out of your diet, stay away from foods filled with saturated fats, and steer clear from foods with too much high-refined sugar. Start introducing the following substances to your body:

    • Amino acids
    • Complex carbohydrates
    • Fatty acids

    If you find it hard to cook healthy meals due to the inconveniences of aging, you can ask the assistance of your Home Caregivers in Canada.

  • Get physical

    For your body to increase its antidepressant production, you need to move around. Make it a goal to exercise at least 30 minutes a day and 3 to 5 times a week. There are other advantages of exercising such as:

    • Boosting your self-esteem
    • Improving your mood
    • Providing a peaceful sleep
    • Reducing stress

    However, do not plan your exercise regimen on your own. Let experts conduct an In-home assessment to determine what kind of exercise suits you.

  • Look for inner peace

    Meditation is an effective way to combat depression. It is a mental exercise that is both relaxing and comforting to the mind and body. Aside from getting rid of depression, it also decreases your anxiety problems.

  • Get your needed zzz’s

    Lack of sleep is one common problem when dealing with depression. People with depression usually suffer from an inability to fall asleep, thus, some may be waking up in the middle of the night. If this lasts longer, it can cause fatigue which creates another problem.

    To avoid this, you need to make a bedtime routine that will calm you down at the end of the day. It is also ideal for you to have a sleep schedule so your body’s biological clock can easily cope.

  • Maintain relationships

    Depression in seniors comes from isolation. An easy way to stay away from it is to avoid situations where you might end up alienating yourself. Connect with your loved ones. Visit old friends or family members. Be with people who shower you with positivity, love, and support.

  • Manage your stress

    It is important to manage your stress. Too much of it is not good for you. Look for things you love doing and do it.

It is normal to feel sad. But feeling blue for weeks or months? You need to ask for help. Seek aid from your Home Care Providers in Calgary Canada. We can assist you around the house and at the same time, help you prevent depression. Talk to us!

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